JackBacks for iPhone 4
Apple needs to explore new iPhone materials because the current glass back sucks. It gets dirty too easily. It's Russian-hooker naff. And it's way too fragile. Thankfully, there's a fix for that: JackBacks. JackBack feels more natural, organic and artisanal than others, most probably because the way they are finished—sealed, sanded, and finished with a Tung oil. It's very pleasant to touch. And instead of getting dirty, the more you touch it, the more beautiful it looks: Your skin oils will naturally give the wooden back an even better look and texture. After a month of use, mine looks much better than the first day. Installation is quick and easy: Take off a pair of screws with the provided tool, take out the glass back, install this one. The iPhone 4's dimensions don't change. The JackBacks are replacements to the official glass back, with the same thickness and the same precision in the holes for the camera and flash. ( Gizmodo )